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About us

International Business Payments Now On Your Fingertips

Save your money and time with our international business account, where you can transact globally hassle-free without any extra charges.


Year founded


Monthly users


Successful transactions

Our mission

Simple Steps to Get Started

Get started with us in these hassle-free and straightforward steps without any complicated paperwork or long process.

Enter Details

First, fill in your company’s detail carefully with accurate information about your identity, contact and business.

Complete Additional Verification

You are required to complete additional verification steps to create your international business account.

Read and Accept the Terms and Conditions

Read the terms and conditions carefully and ensure you fully understand and agree to them before proceeding.

Account Creation Confirmation

After you are done, you’ll receive a confirmation soon that your international business account has been created.

Our values
Features & Benefits

We Help Your Business Expand & Thrive By Providing Access to Global Payment Solutions

Multiple Currency

We enable businesses to hold and transact in multiple currencies effortlessly with our financial services for business.

No Hidden Fee

We ensure transparency in all your transactions with no hidden transfer or withdrawal fee, or exchange rate markups.

Convenient & Fast

From creating an international business account to global payments, our process is user-friendly, convenient and very fast.

Security is Our Utmost Priority

We ensure that your sensitive financial data is protected with us through advanced encryption protocols and multi-factor authentication.

Transparent Processing

Transparent Processing

We’re committed to keep your personal information secure, and we’re 100% transparent about how we process and store it.

Security Notifications

Security Notifications

Every time a transaction is made with your business account, you get an instant notification on your device to keep your account protected.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication

Our multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection to your account to safeguard your account from unauthorised access.

Constant Monitoring

Constant Monitoring

Our team constantly monitors accounts to report anomalies and performs various security scans to ensure no external activity is made.

Our sponsors

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